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NAD+: Your Ultimate Skincare Elixir by Invity

NAD+: Your Ultimate Skincare Elixir by Invity

Posted by Dr Harshal Ranglani on 31st Aug 2023

The role of niacin in overall health has long been known. Pellagra is a well-documented symptom complex of niacin deficiency comprising the 4 D’s : diarrhea, dementia, dermatitis (inflammation) and death. Dermatitis is common, demonstrating how important niacin is for normal skin functioning.Niacinamide (or nicotinamide) is the active form of vitamin B3 (or nicotinic acid). In the body, it gets co
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Skin Microbiome: Essential in Skincare - Uncover with Invity

Skin Microbiome: Essential in Skincare - Uncover with Invity

Posted by Dr. Eugene He on 6th Oct 2021

Your skin is the largest organ of your body. It helps regulate body temperature, produces Vitamin D, locks in moisture, senses pain, and touch. Your skin is teeming with trillions of microorganisms, like bacteria, fungi, and viruses. These microscopic colonies are known as the skin microbiome, an important part of the skin’s ecosystem. Each person’s microbiome is unique, much like a fingerp
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